Bad Request
Not found
Internal Server Error
{- "android_id": "string",
- "management_type": "string",
- "policy": {
- "auto_update_policy": "string",
- "device_report_policy": "string",
- "product_availability_policy": "string",
- "product_policy": [
- {
- "auto_update_mode": "string",
- "product_id": "string",
- "auto_install_policy": {
- "auto_install_constraint": [
- {
- "charging_state_constraint": "string",
- "device_idle_state_constraint": "string",
- "network_type_constraint": "string"
], - "auto_install_mode": "string",
- "auto_install_priority": 0
}, - "managed_configuration": {
- "configuration_variables": {
- "mcm_id": "00982462290877382272",
- "variable_set": [
- {
- "placeholder": null,
- "user_value": null
}, - "kind": "androidenterprise#managedConfiguration"
Array of objects (GoogleApplication) |
Successfully updated the Google EMM policy details for the specified device.
Bad request due to invalid input.
Unauthorized access.
Device not found for the provided deviceId.
Internal server error occurred while processing the request.
{- "applications": [
- {
- "product_id": "",
- "mcm_id": "mcm_12345",
- "app_action": "install"
{- "content": {
- "android_id": "string",
- "management_type": "string",
- "policy": {
- "auto_update_policy": "string",
- "device_report_policy": "string",
- "product_availability_policy": "string",
- "product_policy": [
- {
- "auto_update_mode": "string",
- "product_id": "string",
- "auto_install_policy": {
- "auto_install_constraint": [
- {
- "charging_state_constraint": null,
- "device_idle_state_constraint": null,
- "network_type_constraint": null
], - "auto_install_mode": "string",
- "auto_install_priority": 0
}, - "managed_configuration": {
- "configuration_variables": {
- "mcm_id": "00982462290877382272",
- "variable_set": [
- null
}, - "kind": "androidenterprise#managedConfiguration"
Bad Request
Not found
Internal Server Error
{- "device": [
- {
- "androidId": "string",
- "managementType": "string"
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "content": {
- "count": 0,
- "previous": "string",
- "next": "string",
- "results": [
- {
- "tenant_id": "34f5c98e-f430-457b-a812-92637d0c6fd0",
- "google_user_id": "string",
- "device_id": "3bafab7b-4400-4bcf-8e6e-09f954699940",
- "google_device_id": "string",
- "account_identifier": "string",
- "account_type": 0,
- "google_authentication_token": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Successfully updated the Google account details.
Bad request due to invalid input.
Unauthorized access.
Device not found for the provided deviceId.
Internal server error occurred while processing the request.
{- "google_device_id": "string",
- "google_user_id": "string"
{- "content": {
- "device_id": "string",
- "tenant_id": "string"
Successfully updated the Google account details.
Unauthorized access.
Device not found for the provided deviceId.
Internal server error occurred while processing the request.
{- "tenant_id": "34f5c98e-f430-457b-a812-92637d0c6fd0",
- "google_user_id": "string",
- "device_id": "3bafab7b-4400-4bcf-8e6e-09f954699940",
- "google_device_id": "string",
- "account_identifier": "string",
- "account_type": 0,
- "google_authentication_token": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
{- "content": {
- "tenant_id": "34f5c98e-f430-457b-a812-92637d0c6fd0",
- "google_user_id": "string",
- "device_id": "3bafab7b-4400-4bcf-8e6e-09f954699940",
- "google_device_id": "string",
- "account_identifier": "string",
- "account_type": 0,
- "google_authentication_token": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Successfully unenrolled and deleted the Google account details.
Unauthorized access.
Device not found for the provided deviceId.
Internal server error occurred while processing the request.
{- "content": {
- "tenant_id": "34f5c98e-f430-457b-a812-92637d0c6fd0",
- "google_user_id": "string",
- "device_id": "3bafab7b-4400-4bcf-8e6e-09f954699940",
- "google_device_id": "string",
- "account_identifier": "string",
- "account_type": 0,
- "google_authentication_token": "string",
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"